Thursday, May 17, 2012

A Special Report On the Fukushima Nuclear Catastrophe

The news is so biased against certain parts of the world and certain nationalities. 

When it comes to Chernobyl, the whole world was in a state of alarm.  But now with Fukushima things are obviously much worse and the threats are global but nobody cares because the Japanese are on "our side".  

Is that what we are going to tell the next 10,000 species that die-off specifically because of this event?  This is sizing up to be the biggest threat the modern world has seen and where is the lame stream news?  Nowhere to be found. 

If alternative news doesn't replace lame stream, we will be truly lame as a species as far as fixing problems or stopping mad science from running amok.

Article follows below...

A Special Report On the Fukushima Nuclear Catastrophe

Just prior to the Supermoon of March 18th, 2011, the world witnessed a natural and manmade disaster of epic proportions. What transpired off the coast of Honshu Island, Japan on March 11 has forever altered the planet and irremediably affected the global environment. Whereas the earthquake and tsunami proved to be truly apocalyptic events for the people of Japan, the ongoing nuclear disaster at Fukushima is proving to be cataclysmic for the entire world.

Most of the world community is still unaware of the extremely profound and far-reaching effects that the Fukushima nuclear disaster has had. If the nations of the world really understood the implications of the actual ‘fallout’ – past, current and future – the current nuclear energy paradigm would be systematically shut down. For those of us who are in the know, it is incumbent upon each of us to disseminate the relevant information/data necessary to forever close down the nuclear power industry around the globe.

There is now general agreement that the state of the art of nuclear power generation is such that it was deeply flawed and fundamentally dangerous from the very beginning. This fact was completely understood to be the case by the industry insiders and original financiers of every nuclear power plant ever built. Nuclear engineers had a very good understanding of just how vulnerable the design, engineering and architecture was at the startup of this industry. Nevertheless, they proceeded with this ill-fated enterprise at the behest of who?  

Therefore, this begs the question, “Why would such an inherently unsafe technology and unstable design be implemented worldwide in the first place?”

More importantly, “Who ought to be responsible for mitigating this ongoing planetary nuclear disaster?” And, is there any practical way this predicament can be fixed? Is there technology available which can address this situation in any meaningful way?

With the increasing energy needs of the global economy pushing energy-poor nations like Japan into nuclear power, the economic incentive has always overridden good judgment. Especially in Japan do we see a nation that was literally set up to be a poster child for the nuclear power industry. This, in a place that is known to be the most seismically active region in the world!

“Does anyone in their right mind believe that nuclear power plants can ever be designed, engineered or constructed to withstand 9.0 earthquakes followed by 15 meter high tsunamis? Sorry if we offend, but such a display of so deadly a combination of ignorance and arrogance must represent the very height of hubris. Particularly in view of the inevitable consequences which have manifested at Fukushima, how is it that so few saw this pre-ordained and disastrous outcome, except by willful blindness?”
Japan: A Nation Consigned To Nuclear Armageddon

Numerous headlines over the past few weeks have been relentless in trumpeting Japan’s begrudging response to this global wakeup call. For the first time since nuclear power has been used in the land of Nippon, all 55 nuclear power plants now sit idle. This is of course very good news for the people of Japan. The question now remains how to go about remediating all of these vulnerable and unsafe nuclear reactors. Particularly because of those nuclear plants that are located anywhere along the Japanese coastline is this remediation imperative an existential necessity.

Japan nuclear power-free as last reactor shuts

Japan switches off last nuclear power plant; will it cope?

International Forces Are Responsible For Fukushima;
An Immediate Global Response Ought To Formulated

Since the very first news about the Fukushima nuclear disaster came to light, many industry researchers and various investigations have unveiled the multi-decade plot to foist nuclear power onto the islands of Japan. The many forces arrayed against the Japanese people were so formidable that this ill-fated enterprise could only come to such an unfortunate outcome. Just as humankind learned from the folly of dropping atomic bombs on Hiroshima and Nagasaki, Fukushima has served as an example of how not to implement nuclear power generation.

“Quite purposefully, no one ever stopped to consider the obvious and far-reaching ramifications of constructing 55 nuclear reactors on the most seismically active piece of property on planet Earth! And, that doesn’t count another 12 reactors in various stages of planning or development.”
An Open Letter to the People of Japan

If Japan is to remain habitable for future generations, there are certain (nuclear) matters confronting every corner of this island nation which must be addressed post haste. We know the people of Japan are up to it. The real question is whether the powers who have controlled their destiny are willing to back off for once since WWII.

Can the USA, the UK, Israel and France completely let go of their control of the Japanese economy, energy infrastructure and political process? Not only does the very existence of Japan rely on this relinquishment of control, the futures of the USA, UK and France do as well.

“Tokyo has the largest greater metro population in the world at about 34.3 million. Tokyo has the largest GDP of all major cities in the world – larger than both New York City and London. Tokyo is the economic/financial capital of the world’s 3rd largest national economy, as well as the primary economic engine of East Asia.”
As Fukushima Goes, So Goes Japan

Most are not aware, even at the very highest levels of the Global Control Matrix, but as Fukushima goes, so goes Japan. Taken to its logical conclusion we can say with absolute certainty that as Japan goes, so goes the entire planet. In reality, Japan is not only a super-charged trigger point in the Pacific Ring of Fire, it is also a lynchpin for the world economy as the previous article well explains. Therefore, we would highly advise the Anglo-American power structure to take proper responsibility for this unprecedented global catastrophe and show up in great force on the Honshu coastline to remediate and de-activate wherever still possible.

Global “Manhattan Project” Required

It is quite quizzical that those who run the Global Control Matrix have not yet seized the day. What is clearly at stake is the Pacific Ocean, its shorelines, numerous national economies, as well as myriad ecosystems and aquatic environments.
If they persist in this display of passivity and willful neglect, the planet may never recover. Surely, we can offer the observation that as the Pacific becomes exposed to massive volumes of radioactive water being dumped from the Fukushima site, eventually this radiation will find its way to the four corners of that ocean and beyond.

There has been a steady barrage of headlines lately aimed at those who can respond to this global catastrophe with some degree of cogency. A uniquely cohesive international response is urgently required if there is to be any hope of a successful remediation. Only a fully represented international think tank and implementation team has any chance of formulating a strategy that might be successful at fixing Fukushima.

We’re thinking of a Manhattan Project type of gravity. After all, if such a serious project was established in the interest of creating an atomic bomb, surely a similar endeavor can be initiated in the interest of saving the same country, that was ravaged by nuclear war, from Fukushima-generated radiation.

Japan has clearly shown that this disaster is way beyond their ability to manage and capacity to address in any meaningful way. Their entire culture seems to ensure that the real problems will be constantly swept under the rug. The problem this time around is that there may be no rug soon to sweep it under.

As Fukushima Goes, So Goes Japan

The preceding article clearly sets forth the thesis that if Tokyo requires evacuation in the future, the Japanese economy will immediately collapse. This eventuality would merely be the first domino to fall toward the collapse of the entire global economy. The prospect at this point is so real that those decision-makers at the top of the Global Control Matrix can’t afford not to inaugurate a worldwide effort to remediate Fukushima.

The Pacific Ocean Is Dying

How about the rest of the Pacific Ocean? What does the future hold in store for the largest body of water on Earth. One that circulates more water than any other ocean and possesses more coastline than all the others put together. The following headlines portend the future health of the Pacific, so all are encouraged to take serious notice.

Fukushima Daiichi Worker: Nothing can be done except to leak radioactive water! — Honestly feel that we are dumping massive amounts into ocean — Will spread all over world, reaching Hawaii and US soon

Nuclear Professor: 5,000 Hiroshima bombs worth of cesium-137 in spent fuel pool No. 4 — “Low estimate”

Doomsday scenarios spread about No. 4 reactor at Fukushima plant

Former Ambassador: No. 4 reactor a top national security issue for entire world — Could start “the ultimate catastrophe”

Japan Nuclear Expert: Humanity as a whole has literally never experienced something like Fukushima — “We will be fighting this radiation on the order of tens or hundreds of years”

The upshot of each of these articles is that the Pacific Ocean is extremely vulnerable to the radioactive waste being dumped into her waters at Fukushima. Should another catastrophic earthquake occur, it could create a new and more complicated nuclear disaster scenario that is truly irreparable. Even without any seismic activity affecting the nuclear sites, the current state of affairs has taken for granted that the Pacific Ocean will become a nuclear dumping ground for decades to come. It has not been lost on us that such an inevitability appears to be the only practical expedient available.

We are truly saddened by the great loss of marine life and harm to myriad aquatic and shoreline ecosystems. As the nuclear radiation is exported around the Asian Ring of Fire, genetic mutation will begin to affect every form of life — from phytoplankton to whales, from seabirds to mangroves, from dolphins to krill. Everything that lives near the Pacific will be at risk to some degree. Anyone who lives, works or plays in or around the Pacific will be compelled to evaluate their relationship to this great ocean.

What have we done to Mother Earth by siting nuclear power plants in the most seismically active region of the world?!

What in God’s Creation can possibly be done to fix it?

Never in the history of humankind has the planet been confronted with such a grave set of circumstances. Fukushima represents all that can go wrong when scientific applications and technological advancement within a crude industrial context have gone awry. Unfortunately, given the many trajectories that numerous fields of technological innovation are currently on, Fukushima and the BP Gulf oil spill of 2012 may only be the beginning of an accelerating period of technospheric breakdown which will plague the Earth.

Earthquake, Tsunami and Nuclear Meltdown Converge to Create Global Perfect Storm

Cosmic Convergence Research Group
Submitted: May 5, 2012

Author’s Note: has provided an invaluable service to the worldwide internet community by giving away their ebook currently linked here:
The first chapter entitled “Hazards of Low Level Radioactivity” ought to be a must read for anyone impacted by Fukushima.
Also of critical significance, there is a phenomenon known as the Photoelectric Effect which weighs heavily throughout the entire contamination zone associated with the Fukushima nuclear disaster. The following article gives an important overview for those who want to know what we are really dealing with as a planetary civilization.
Photoelectron Induction in Uranium Particles by Chris Busby, PhD

There has been no mention in this essay of the massive amount of debris pollution brought about by the Japan earthquake and tsunami of March, 2011. We have chosen a photo-documentary instead to portray this state of affairs in the following addendum.

Here is the current flow and future map of debris pollution.

This debris is found in the "The Great Pacific Garbage Patch"

Special Notice:
The following article gives a much broader view of the current predicament which prevails across the planet. Clearly, technospheric breakdown is a phenomenon which few foresaw, otherwise we would not find ourselves at the edge of the precipice with respect to so many risky and dangerous technologies and misapplications of scientific developments.
For example, so committed is the world community to the hydrocarbon fuel paradigm that there appears to be no way of lessening our dependence on such an environmentally destructive energy source. Likewise, even in the face of Fukushima, many nations are unwilling to reconsider their dependence on the nuclear power paradigm.
This essay elucidates the forces and motivations at work which militate against sound, rational and safe energy policy.

Technospheric Breakdown Accelerates Epochal Change On Planet Earth

©2012 Cosmic Convergence 2012®. All rights reserved
Permission is granted to post this essay as long as it is linked back to the following url:

Posted via email from The Hook of Magog

Thursday, April 19, 2012

Schiff on Gold

Peter Schiff.  He was ridiculed by the mainstream press for being wrong on the housing bubble before it happened. But then it happened.  And now the mainstream press look like fools. Google "peter schiff was right" and watch the youtube assault on Peter when he was predicting totally accurate housing crash.

The more things change, the more they stay the same.

Now the mass media hates gold.  Of course they do, but on what basis of logic?  None.  So here is Peter Schiff on gold and I bet he is right again.  Let's listen...

"Betting against gold has been the wrong trade. Over time, gold keeps making new highs. The same could be said for gold stocks, albeit at a slower rate. The gold shares reflect the fact that you’ve got a lot of skepticism. This is the antithesis of a bubble. Instead of there being euphoria and people speculating on a gold rally, they are all betting against it. Meanwhile, gold continues to climb a wall of worry.

"The gold bears don’t understand the fundamentals. These were the same people that didn’t see the housing bubble or the financial crisis. This is why you will see the few people that bet right on subprime, are also the ones that are betting on gold. These savvy players have a better understanding of the macro-economic fundamentals.",_No_Crash_in_Stocks.html


You can't have esponential doubling rates on currency printing and still have gold stay still or go down.  Gold can't go down or stay stable.  It will rocket up compared to fiat currency because fiat currency is being taken out with the trash.

Silver is an even better investment due to industrial "draw down" of above ground supplies.  Do keyword searches on that to find out more.

Posted via email from The Hook of Magog

Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Big Energy Picture Increasingly Understood (and going mainline)

Increasingly, varioius segments of social and economic strata globally are coming to the grips of the coming mighty crash.  Judging from the fundamental drivers pushing this thing, it will be a crash on a scale not seen since the days of Noah.

Whereas, 12 years ago the term Peak Oil wasn't even coined yet, these days the big picture of energy as it relates to food and population and ecology and of course petro dollars / fiat currency is increasingly going mainline.

John Embry of Sprott Asset Management, indicates that the investment world is taking note of the fundamental shifts in the world affecting us all.

Check this out..

Embry also added: “There was an interesting article in Forbes. It was an interview with the CEO of Shell, Peter Voser. He was talking about their view on the demand for oil in the next 30 or 40 years, out to 2050. Shell believes the demand for energy could double by 2050.

Voser is not at all optimistic about alternative energies during that time frame. So, basically oil is going to have to supply most of the new demand. He responded to the question have we reached peak oil, which I believe we have, but he says that we’ve certainly hit cheap peak oil.

Consequently, if you are going to have any kind of growth like that, it’s going to be with extremely expensive energy. I don’t think that’s possible. I just don’t think the world can absorb dramatic increases in the energy costs and continue to grow or the population continue to grow for that matter.

It means that there is going to be some disruption coming. I find it amusing that people talk about ten billion people on earth by 2050, and everything running as normal. We are having trouble functioning now, with seven billion people. The fact that we’re going to try to feed and provide energy for 50% more people doesn’t seem to be doable. Time will tell.”

Posted via email from The Hook of Magog

Tuesday, March 13, 2012

The absolute worst mainstream media war propaganda video ever

There it is, the absolute worst mainstream media war propaganda video ever.

It is funny.  It is pitiful.  It is disgusting.  It is all three on volume ten (ten out of ten) at the same time.

Posted via email from The Hook of Magog

Thursday, January 19, 2012

Recent roundup from

Got precous metals?

Big changes on the precious metals front.  The noise from knowledeable insiders is unified, loud, clear and urgent.  Dump whatever you can for whatever it is worth and get into the action for massive rewards long term.

Each number is a different article, hyperlink directly to the story provided at the beginning of the text.
  1. Bill Haynes, President and owner of CMI Gold & Silver - “I’m shocked by the demand for eagles.  As an example we just had a buyer who picked up $1.5 million of one ounce silver eagles and that’s all he wanted -- the eagles.  The significant thing I’m seeing here, Eric, is there is next to no selling by retail customers.  It would appear the gold and silver, held by the public, is in extremely strong hands... “What I would add to this is investors who can handle silver’s bulk and weight really need to be there.  They need to be buying silver because that is where the greatest upside potential is.  With the gold/silver ratio this high, people need to be buying silver... The people I deal with are buying aggressively on the dips and almost cheering when the price drops because they can add to their positions at a lower price. Somewhere in here we will get into the third phase, years from now, when prices will go parabolic.”
  2. Michael Pento, of Pento Portfolio Strategies, writes for King World News to warn about a coming US default and subsequent gold explosion.   Pento had this to say about the situation:  “If you ask most investors what is the main driver for the price of gold they are likely you tell you that it’s the direction of the U.S. dollar.  Therefore, the only due diligence most investors perform is a perfunctory glance at the Dollar Index (DXY).  While it is true that the purchasing power of the dollar is a key metric to judge the direction of gold prices, the DXY will only tell you what the dollar is doing against a basket of 6 other flawed fiat currencies.”  Since the intrinsic value of the dollar continues to deteriorate, investors would do well to ignore the dollar’s temporary and beneficial measurement against the Euro and focus on its true fundamentals, which are forcing investors towards gold.” 
  3. Keith Barron consults with major gold companies around the world as well as major brokerage houses and Keith is responsible for one of the largest gold discoveries in history.  Here is what Barron said about a coming mania:  “Oh yes, that’s coming.  I met with a gentleman last week, I’m not going to mention his name because a lot of listeners would know who he is and he was saying to me, ‘Look, we haven’t even got to first base yet.’  He thinks gold is going to between $3,500 to $5,000. You get all of this talk in the media, especially on CNBC, saying that gold is in a bubble.  Every time it goes up a couple hundred dollars it’s in a bubble again.  The American government, as we know, is cooking the books as far as the inflation numbers go.  Anyone who buys groceries or gasoline certainly knows it’s getting more expensive every day....That’s just going to continue on.  We are going to see it in Europe as well.  The only way these various governments can create jobs and spend largesse is too print money.  That’s very inflationary and that will take gold and silver much, much higher... The US Mint is selling silver American eagles like there is no tomorrow.
  4. Jim Rickards clients include private investment funds and banks, government directorates around the globe in national security and defense and he has worked directly with the Fed and US Treasury.  Jim is also a KWN resident expert and author of the extraordinary book, “Currency Wars: The Making of the Next Global Crisis.”  (whole article below)


    By Jim Rickards, Sr. Managing Dir. Tangent Capital

    January 17 (King World News)  -  The ongoing financial crisis in Europe is the biggest financial story in the world today and is covered daily. The stories are filled with doom and gloom and predictions of imminent collapse of the currency and the monetary union. Our view is the euro sovereign bonds are in distress and European banks are mostly insolvent but that does not mean the currency will fail. The bonds, banks and currency are three different things and the failure of the first two does not mean failure of the third. The reasons for this are based on the fact that the U.S., China and Germany are united in their desire for a strong euro. The U.S. and China both need a strong euro so Europeans can buy more of their exported goods to maintain growth. China's leverage comes from the fact that it can prop up the European bond market with fresh purchases. The U.S. leverage comes from the fact that it provides the dollar liquidity Europe needs via central bank swap lines. Germany has a demonstrated capacity, dating to the 1970's and earlier, to remain an export powerhouse even with a strong currency and a strong euro all but eliminates intra-European competition. In this sense, the euro is the biggest loser in the currency wars.


        The Chinese growth story is so taken for granted that markets and analysts have difficulty imagining anything else. In fact, Chinese growth is on the brink of collapse - something the world and the markets have not fully priced in. Chinese growth has been driven about 70% by investment mostly directed by the Communist Party. Initially this could be efficient as the low-hanging fruit of fairly productive projects such as ports and roads were harvested through the use of debt. The result was a "machine" of debt creation, infrastructure development, constructions, jobs, cronyism, kickbacks, bribes and new projects that fed on itself and cascaded into progressively less productive and even wealth destroying white elephant projects such as "ghost cities," bridges to nowhere and high-speed trains that fly off the tracks. This process will clearly end in a debt debacle and the leadership understands this. They will wind down investment and deleverage banks while increasing bank reserves and shutting down shadow lenders when they can. This will be problematic and time consuming at best and risks an investment collapse and bank run at worst. Meanwhile the much-vaunted Chinese consumer will find that his savings are suppressed to prop up bank balance sheets so there is nothing left over for consumption. The result will be 4% growth for the next ten years at best, or collapse at worst. In time, China may even devalue its currency, contrary to all expectations of upward revaluation, in order to help growth. The cumulative effect will be to pull growth from Europe and the U.S. thus exacerbating global problems of too much debt and not enough growth.

        The U.S. has benefitted in the short run from the strong euro and the appreciating Chinese yuan. But if growth stalls in China, as expected, the Chinese may actually turn to currency devaluation again at the expense of U.S. exports thus hurting growth here. Also, as much as the U.S. and China both want a strong euro, declining growth in China and continued bond market and bank stock distress in Europe may cause a renewed flight to quality to the U.S. dollar and a strengthening U.S. dollar against the wishes of the Fed and Treasury. This will hurt U.S. growth, as net exports have been the one bright spot lately. It is also likely to lead to a third round of Quantitative Easing ("QE") under the name of "targeting Nominal GDP". The key to forecasting QE3 is not the level of interest rates but rather the level of the USD/EUR and USD/CNY exchange rates since the purpose of QE in the first place is to cheapen the dollar. So, if the euro remains strong, QE3 is off the table, but if the euro crashes on a flight to quality in the U.S. dollar, then you will see QE3.  Using QE3 is the secret weapon of the U.S. in the currency wars.

        The key to all of the above analysis is to move away from the traditional approach of thinking about "currency pairs" such as USD/EUR and USD/CNY and to see USD, EUR and CNY in a triangular relationship. If CNY and EUR are both strong then the U.S. is the winner in the currency wars and has some prospect of growth. But if CNY devalues on a Chinese growth collapse and EUR devalues on fears of financial distress, then the result will be strong U.S. dollars making the U.S. the temporary loser in the currency wars. At that point, the U.S. will bring out its secret weapon, Quantitative Easing, dressed up as nominal GDP targeting, to fight back and cheapen the U.S. dollar to preserve growth in the U.S.  This is the ultimate futility of currency wars - it just propagates round after round of competitive devaluations. In the end, all of the major currencies will devalue at once against the only money than cannot fight back - gold. The result will be sharply higher gold prices and global commodity inflation, which will trigger consumer inflation - exactly what central banks want to devalue debt and stimulate the velocity of money. Will it work? Maybe, but maybe not. If it works we’re in for a bout of global inflation worse than the 1970's. If it fails there may be a collapse of faith in paper money across the board.

Posted via email from The Hook of Magog


Monitoring Crashes / Finding Soul-utions